Thursday, November 19, 2009
This morning my light came via email. I received the most flattering and encouraging compliments on my first novel, THE DEVIL’S PAWN, and they came from a published author (I didn’t think to ask permission to use her name so I won’t, however, if she allows me, I will name her and add her links).
Do you agree we all need a light at the end of our tunnel? What are some of the ways encouragement has come to you? Have you been to the point of quitting, or have quit, only to have someone encourage you, giving you the determination to get back to work?
I can’t wait to read your responses!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Any Elizabeth George fans out there? If so, add your review, critique and insight on Elizabeth George’s mystery novels.
I’ll begin with her first novel, A Great Deliverance in which George introduces her two detectives, characters so real readers come to care about them quickly.
First, I’ll write about the efficient, physically fit and attractive, Detective Inspector Thomas Linley. He is moody, broody and temperamental. Sound like a character you’d despise? Not once you get to know him. Thomas is not the typical spoiled rich boy, but instead is uncomfortable with his wealth and never flaunts it or his heritage. In fact, he has become an officer of the law to help people. The reader finds it easy to accept his moods when considering his sincere humility.
Thomas excels as a man of appropriate actions. When the reader expects him to react as any other character would in a similar situation, he doesn’t. In fact, his reactions have surprised and delighted me many times. Not only is he highly intelligent, he’s also clever and exceptionally polite. Thomas not only is the perfect gentleman, but is also the perfect character.
Next is Detective Sergeant Barbara Havers, the total opposite of Thomas Lindley, and his partner. In fact, Lindley is the only officer willing to work with her. Barbara has alienated herself from the other officers by her offensive mannerism. She is disheveled, plump, and unattractive. Like Thomas, Barbara is moody; however her personality is more hostile. Until you get to know her and realize her aggression is a self-preservation mechanism to hide her feelings of inadequacy. George brings this character to life in a way that helps readers understand her vulnerability and to love the character’s humanity. Beneath the rough exterior, Barbara is caring and sensitive.
No redundancy in George’s dialogue or narrative. How refreshing!
Have you read the book? If so, please add your comments, critique, review, insight and/or opinions on these characters. If you haven’t, now may be a good time to read mystery writer, Elizabeth George.
Monday, November 16, 2009
How To Make Your First Five Pages Grab an Agent or Editor by the B----
I found the article interesting and extremely helpful. Even when our work is complete, we must go over the beginning to make sure it literally grabs the reader. Let me know what you think of the article.
Don’t Be Discouraged
Then I bought a book titled, Write Away by Elizabeth George, one of the greatest authors of our time. You can only imagine the encouragement I received from this great author when I found she began each chapter by sharing a brief passage from her private journal? This literary genius had faced all the same demons with which I am dealing.
How wonderful to know that I am not the only writer to struggle with such turmoil. I needed to share this because I believe there are other writers going through the same ordeal.
If you are, please respond and help other writers to know we are not alone and that we must never give up. I so look forward to hearing from all of you.